
590 x 272 ghost photo uss arizona

Ghost photographed at Pearl Harbor

 Liquid phantasm image may possibly be the soul of one of the young soldiers who were killed at the site over 60-years ago On December 7, 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor in an effort to destroy America’s Pacific Fleet before they could […]

A Revelation

God said I’m to tell you a revelation. For me to teach you prophecy and fix Gods word. The Devil changed word to push his agenda. A man talking tongues to save the world by informing you. God wants his original doctrine to be released along with the book of […]

Top 5 Ghost Ships

Here are the Alien X Files top 5 Ghost ships. Imagine sailing in the ocean, miles and miles away from land. Days away from any rescue when suddenly a broken down, sail torn ghastly looking ship bumps into your stern. You climb on board to find the skeletal remains of […]