Tag: loch ness


Ogopogo spotted – The canadian Loch Ness Monster

Ogopogo is trending after a man claims to have caught Canada’s version of the Loch Ness Monster on video. Richard Huls says he saw Ogopogo swimming through Lake Okanagan in British Columbia and now has proof of its existence: A 30-second video showing unusually long ripples in the water. Others […]

Loch Ness Sea Monster

Alaska claims its own Loch Ness monster

A Loch Ness style sea monster has been spotted in Alaska and already the legend is growing. It has all the criteria of becoming a new Loch Ness tale: reported sightings, public interest and most importantly black and white grainy footage. The monster has been classified a cryptozoological creature and […]


Top 5 most famous sea and lake monsters

The top 5 most famous sea and lake monsters reported from folk tales, sightings and legends. Aquatic monster are probably the most believable crypto monsters out there. For starters they had a great hiding spot in the ocean when the asteroid, alien invasion, super aids, Kardashians or whatever wiped out […]