Articles, Conspiracies

Is Hollywood warning us of an invasion?

Are the spike in Alien and Monster movies a warning from Hollywood?

I love a conspiracy as much as the next nut. Occasionally, I’ll even try to create my own so here it is:

No one can dispute that the film and television world is obsessed with the supernatural. Over 50 super hero movies have been released in the last 5 years. And when Marvel and DC are taking a movie break, Hollywood fills in the gaps with aliens, monsters and other means of world destruction. Last week I watched Cowboys and Aliens (awesome) and during the previews they showed two alien, one monster and one super hero trailer. Supernatural movies are everywhere and if the previews are any indication, there are many more to come. I even saw the preview for a movie called Battleship which I assume is named after the game. It showed a group of ships squaring off against another fleet of ships. Probably Soviet right? No it was aliens in a UFO, or USO to be specific. So not only are we running out of shit to make movies about but they have to throw in aliens to spice up a board game flick. Shouldn’t be long before Area 51 Candy Land and Operation Anal Probe comes out. I’ll be first in line! Wait….

SO where is the conspiracy. In all these films there are a lot of similarities: monsters/aliens invades earth for its resources, Humans suffer major casualties but eventually find weakness, aliens/monsters weakness exposed and they either die or leave…Mankind survives and rebuilds. I know Hollywood suffers a lack of originality otherwise they wouldn’t be calling Mattel and Hasbro for movie ideas. But what if all these movies are a mass propaganda film designed to teach us what to expect. Similar to the video they show on planes prior to launch. It instructs you on what to expect and how to act should the worst happen. Fuck the masks, i’m drinking on the way down.

Is the government using Hollywood to prepare us for an invasion? Or at the very least are they trying to desensitize us before they reveal the truth about extraterrestrials? Maybe they watched how video games desensitized kids to crime and violence and figured it would work on us (Thanks a lot Grand Theft Auto, now every kid thinks it’s OK to kill a hooker during a drug deal). To be honest would you be that shocked to see a real picture of an alien now that you’ve seen all these movies? The real aliens are probably going to be way more boring than anything we’ve seen on the big screen. Small little grayish men which for some reason can still kick the shit out of us.

Let’s be honest, if an alien race or monster invaded would we respond like the people in the movie? We wish but probably not. We would run, scatter and go down pretty easy. We’re a predictable race and any small amount of research would show aliens how to bring us down. Spoiler alert aliens: just cut off the power. No electricity means, no communication and no technology (no Netflix). We would have no way to defend ourselves without the technology needed to use our big weapons. What are we gonna beat aliens with…guns?

Which brings us to another point: Every alien invasion movie shows the aliens zapping us with laser guns while we pointlessly bounce bullets of their way better armor. When are we gonna get cracking on some fucking laser guns? That’s the key right there to putting up a decent fight. Are we learning nothing from these government sanctioned Hollywood alien preparation videos?

Come on Smith and Wesson, take your shit up a notch for the sake of humanity!Nighthawk Logo



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