Articles, Conspiracies

Pat Robertson accuses Harry Potter author JK Rowlings of witchcraft

WARNING – I upset a lot of people with this article. Thanks for the hate mail and the death threats (really kill myself with a dull shovel? Aww you shouldn’t have). Well… Beacuse of your “Love” this article has been read over 25,000 times. Keep up the great work and let me know how I can further offend in the future.

Pat Robertson (Toolbag) accuses Harry Potter author JK Rowlings of witchcraft and warns of the occult.

harry potter pat robertson

Robertson claims that JK Rowlings was practicing witchcraft and the dark arts before she wrote the best-selling Harry Potter novels. Narnia on the other hand is a different story to Mr. Robertson:
“Well, Narnia is different. It’s not glorifying magic and the occult,” Robertson replied. “The lady who wrote Harry Potter [J.K. Rowling], I understand, was deeply involved in some of the occult things.”

“You don’t need to involve yourself in witchcraft, and the occult,” Robertson later added. “It’s dangerous. It will – it is seductive. It is seductive.”

jk rowling

So CS Elliot is OK with Pat but JK is an occult practicing witch who has donated millions of dollars to good charitable causes. What did CS Elliot do besides smoke pipes with JR Tolkien. I wonder what Robertson’s stance on The Lord of the Rings is?

He also warns against shows like Medium which is something we can agree on. Not because it’s sinister, just because it’s a terrible show. The use of Ouija Boards is also on Robertson’s no-no list which he claims can be controlled by demons.

ouija board demonic “It was demonic,” Robertson replied. “Demons can control a Ouija board, and you begin to deal with the occult, that’s who you’re dealing with. You’re not dealing with Jesus, you’re not dealing with God, you’re dealing with demonic.”

Ouija boards in our opinion are not demonic or evil they are just stupid. Has anyone ever used one after they were ten years old? If you want to attack board games what about Risk the game of World Domination. Ten rounds of that game and you know strategies you couldn’t learn in ‘The Art of War’. The ruthless domination of small countries, the willingness to sacrifice battalions just to gain a stronghold in Brazil. Ruthless game.

Pat Robertson is a charlatan who peddles false hope to those who need the real thing. Who feeds lies and decit to lost souls desperatly seeking answers. All for a price.

JK Rowlings is an amazing author who has helped a generation of kids (and adults) by giving them a new world to briefly escape too. Her books teach good over evil and tolerance of all regardless of background. Until she publishes a book of spells and is sporting a death-eater tattoo we have to believe her intentions are good. But we wouldn’t expect a Muggle like Robertson to understand! That’s right, AXF are HP fans.

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