UFO Sightings

Phoenix Lights skeptic spots huge black triangle in hometown

 It was a HUGE black triangle with three lights, one on each corner, and not much of anything else


TRIANGLE 11 I had a second floor apartment in a section of Manahawkin called Beach Haven West. It was maybe 500-800 feet from RT 72, and right before you get on the bridge to LBI. Where I was in my apartment I would be overlooking the marshes to the north of RT 72.  I had broken my leg badly, literally in half, in October and was in a cast from my toes to my hip.  My girlfriend had left for the night, I was laying in bed watching TV.

I had a long bedroom, and the window I was facing was to the north. I noticed a flicker of amber light thru that window, thought nothing of it. Maybe a helicopter. Continued to watch tv  every couple minutes seeing that amber light kinda go up and down slowly, light getting bigger. This went on for awhile, and I started to think maybe they were looking for something in the marsh, but didn’t see any spotlights or nothing. Its been out there for a good 20 minutes, 1/2 hr. Now I’m watching the light more than the TV. It barely looks like its moving, gaining and losing a minimum amount of altitude, but enough for me to be watching it.  Ok, it’ll get closer, the house will shake, it’ll be a helicopter.  Still watching, after a couple minutes it was getting closer and there were no green and red flying lights that I can see.

At this point, even if it was a helicopter I had to see whats going on. It took a couple minutes to get out of bed and to the window, it was not easy, I was in a lot of pain, and I was having complications I didn’t know about till I had to go back to the doctor. I opened the window and propped myself up on the sill. At this point, I knew it wasn’t a helicopter, and I knew it wasn’t a plane. Helicopters are out here all the time, coast guard, mosquito commission, etc. I also grew up 5 minutes from JFK airport. When we were talking on the phone back home, every 4 minutes you’d have to tell whoever your talking to to hold on while the planes went overhead because you couldn’t hear them. I know what a plane looks like. There’s also a big military presence out here, warthogs, bombers, you name it.

Anyway, light kept getting closer and I can start to see how low it was, and how slow it was going. Literally nothing more than 20-30 mph. About now it about 2-3 miles away over the marshes to the north and headed straight for me. It was getting close enough now that I saw it had more lights, the amber was the forward bottom of it, and a red and green to the other corners. Much bigger than the lights on an airplane would be and steady, not flashing. Now, I had to get outside.

On crutches and HURTING I hobbled out of the room thru the kitchen and onto my small screen deck. I wanted a clearer view than thru the screens and I had to hobble down a step or 2 outside the deck to get a wide open unobstructed view. This thing was getting closer and on a path to go directly overhead. I can start to make out a shape and it was a triangle, and it looked BIG. I watched it go over the marsh heading south, and watched as it crossed over RT 72 and eventually right over me. It was a HUGE black triangle with three lights, one on each corner,and not much of anything else. It passed literally 100-200 feet overhead, enough to know if a had a gun I could have hit it easily.  It made NO sound, silent. It was literally only moving about 30mph, a plane would be crashing into my house and a helicopter would be rearranging my dishes in the cabinets.

It took about 30 seconds from when it hit Rt 72 to the time it went over my house and I had a clear view the whole time. No I didn’t have a camera, at the time the throw away cameras were my thing, but I didn’t have one. If I did I would have the best UFO pictures to this date. It was amazing.


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