Other News

USS John F. Kennedy and Alien Craft

This encounter occurred in 1971, while aboard the aircraft carrier, USS John F. Kennedy CVA-67 (now CV-67) in the Bermuda Triangle. I was assigned to the communications department of the Kennedy and had been in this section about a year. The ship was returning to Norfolk, VA after completing a […]

Scottish police investigate alien abduction

On a November morning in 1979, as he was entering a forest alongside the M8 Motorway, joined only by his trusty dog. Taylor had been carrying out his usual business as an area developmental officer, with  intent of observing some sapling trees in the forest nearby. The two  had traveled […]

Strange object over 9/11 ceremony in New Jersey

9-11-11 CAPE MAY NEW JERSEY Before the ceremony a large helicopter flew over the area, the witness stated.  During the ceremony we noticed an object in front of a bright white cloud, no sound, no lights, no movement. A few other people noticed it in the sky, approx over Cape May Beach, […]

Strange objects over Texas

11-16-11 PLEDGER TEXAS It was around 6:15 pm when I went outside to check on my solar battery charger and I noticed a really bright light above my neighbors house. It caught my attention because it was so bright. It looked like Jupiter but brighter. It wasn’t twinkling like a […]

Numerous UFO sightings over Pennsylvania

11-25-11 TROOPER PENNSYLVANIA Six adults and two small children were just finishing dinner at my sister’s house in Trooper, Pa. when, at about 9 PM, my brother-in-law went out to the mailbox to check for mail. He came running back in excitedly yelling, “Hurry, everybody come outside before you miss […]

Close encounter in New York

CIRCA 1997  BROCTON NEW YORK When I climbed the fence to look over and see where my football had landed there was a ship right there in front or me. This ship was no more than 15-20 feet away from me and was almost touching the ground. I couldn’t see underneath the […]

Weird lights in Maryland

7-15-11 WARDORF MARYLAND I was on my way home from work that day and it was very cloudy all of a sudden. There were many different color clouds in the sky. I started taking photos while driving and when I got to the street lights along the way. I love […]