
SETI searches for aliens on the moon

The most profound question asked by mankind is: are we alone? So the second most profound question must be: where should we look if we’re not alone? Now, two prominent scientists have published a paper suggesting that although we have an entire universe to seek out the proverbial alien needle […]

USS John F. Kennedy and Alien Craft

This encounter occurred in 1971, while aboard the aircraft carrier, USS John F. Kennedy CVA-67 (now CV-67) in the Bermuda Triangle. I was assigned to the communications department of the Kennedy and had been in this section about a year. The ship was returning to Norfolk, VA after completing a […]


Top 5 Alien Myths Debunked

Alien X Files is all about finding the truth so here are the top 5 alien myths debunked. In order to get to the real mysteries of life, we need to rule out the unexplained things that have explanations. In exposing the explainable, hopefully it will bring us all a […]

JFK documents point to CIA UFO coverup

JFK assassinated by CIA over UFO documents

WARNING – We have received a very serious warning and have had to delete thousands of comments and over 50 articles. All comments are opinions of the individual users and not representative of the AXF nation. I know you are all excited but Chill. The. Fuck. Out. A new theory […]

Earth shift to the 4th dimension set to begin

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre released Sept. 30, a self-described representative of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council whose membership consists of star systems and includes representation from the galactic governance council of our Milky Way Galaxy, discussed the purported timing and nature of a transformation […]


The Truth Behind Apollo 18

True facts about the Apollo 18 conspiracy and NASA cover up. The so-called cancelled missions of Apollo 17-20 and the horror of the lost cosmonaut. Everyone has heard about the moon landing hoax. A group of conspiracy theorist believe Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin never actually landed on the moon. In fact they […]